Thursday, July 14, 2016

List of English Words Starting with B | English To Hindi Dictionary Word list Starting with B

                 English To Hindi Dictionary Word list Starting with B

Bachelor - Unmarried ( कुवाँरा )
Back - Lying behind ( पीछे खड़ा हुआ )
Bacteria - Disease germs ( कीटाणु )
Bad - Of poor quality ( बुरा )
Baggage - Luggage ( सामान )
Bail - Security ( जमानत )
Bait - Lure ( लालच देना )
Bake - To cook by dry heat ( सेंकना )
Balance - Remainder ( शेष, बाकी )
Balcony - Railed verandah ( बरामदा )
Bald - Hairless ( गंजा )
Ballot - Voting paper ( मतदान पत्र )
Bandit - Robber ( डाकू )
Bang - Explosion ( धमाका )
Bankrupt - Insolvent ( दिवालिया )
Banner - Flag ( झण्डा )
Banquet - To feast ( भोज देना )
Barbarian - Rude man ( असभ्य )
Barber - Hair cutter and shaver ( नाई )
Bare - Naked ( नंगा )
Bargain - Advantageous purchase ( सौदा )
Barricade - Temporary barrier ( अस्थायी किलाबंदी )
Barrister - Advocate ( वकील )
Barter - To exchange goods ( अदला बदली )
Base - Foundation ( नींव )
Bashful - Shy ( शर्माना )
Basic - Fundamental (बुनियादी )
Basket ― Wicker-vessel ( टोकरी )
Bat ― Night-flying mammel ( चमगादड़ )
Batch - Group ( दल )
Bathe - To take bath (नहाना )
Battle - Combat ( युद्ध )
Bay - Wide gulf ( खाड़ी )
Beach - Sandy sea-shore ( सागर तट )
Bearing - Behaviour ( व्यवहार )
Beard ― Chin-hair ( दाढ़ी )
Beat - To strike ( पीटना )
Beautiful - Pretty ( सुंदर )
Because - Since ( क्योंकि )
Become - To come to be ( बनना, होना )
Bedevil - To torment ( सताना )
Beef - Cow-flesh ( गोमांस )
Befall - To happen ( घटित होना )
Befool - To make fool ( मूर्ख बनाना )
Before - In front of ( सामने )
Befriend - To help ( मदद करना )
Beg - To ask for humbly ( नम्रता से मांगना )
Beget - To produce ( पैदा करना )
Begin - To start ( शुरू करना )
Behalf - Sake ( पक्ष )
Behave - To conduct oneself ( बर्ताव करना )
Behest - Order ( आज्ञा )
Behind - At one's back ( पीछे )
Behold - To see ( देखना )
Being - Existence ( अस्तित्व )
Belated - Too late ( बहुत देर से आना )
Belief - Faith ( विश्वास )
Belittle - To insult ( अपमान करना )
Belly - Stomach ( पेट )
Belong - To be native of ( निवासी होना )
Beloved - Very dear ( बहुत प्यारा )
Below - Under ( नीचे )
Bend - To turn down ( मोड़ना, झुकना )
Beneath - Below ( नीचे )
Beneficial - Useful ( हितकर )
Benefit - Gain ( फायदा )
Benign - Kind ( दयालु )
Bereave - To deprive of ( वंचित करना )
Beside - By the side of ( बगल में )
Besought - Requested ( विनती किया गया )
Best - Most excellent ( सबसे अच्छा )
Bestow - To give ( देना )
Bet - To wager ( शर्त लगाना )
Bethink - To remember ( याद करना )
Betray - To break trust ( विश्वासघात करना )
Better - More good ( बेहतर )
Between - In the middle of ( बीच में )
Beverage - A drink ( पेय पदार्थ )
Beware - To take care ( सावधान होना )
Bewilder - To confuse ( घबड़ाना )
Bewitch - To charm (मोह डालना )
Beyond - Farther away ( दूर )
Biannual - Two yearly or half yearly ( साल में दो बार होने वाला )
Bias - Prejudice ( पक्षपात )
Bid - To order ( आज्ञा देना )
Bill - Advertisement ( विज्ञापन )
Billion - A million millions ( दस अरब )
Bind - To tie fast ( बांधना )
Biology - Science of living beings ( जीव विज्ञान )
Bioscope - Cinema ( चलचित्र )
Birth - Coming into the world ( जन्म )
Bisect - To cut into two parts ( दो समान भागों में बाँटना )
Bishop - Clergyman ( पादरी )
Bit - Piece ( टुकड़ा )
Bitch - Female dog ( कुतिया )
Bite - To cut with teeth ( काटना )
Bitter ― Sharp-tasting ( कड़वा )
Black-berry ― Black plum ( जामुन )
Blackmail - To take bribe ( रिश्वत लेना )
Black market - Stealthy trade in rationed goods ( चोर बाजारी )
Bladder - A bag ( थैली )
Blame - To find fault ( दोष लगाना )
Blast - To blow up ( उड़ा देना )
Bleach - To whiten ( श्वेत करना )
Bleed - To come out as blood ( खून निकलना )
Blend - To mix ( मिलाना )
Bless - To express good wishes ( आशीष देना )