Fabric - Structure ( रचना )
Fabricate - Make ( बनाना )
Fabulous - Amazing ( आश्चर्यजनक )
Face - To oppose with courage ( साहस से सामना करना )
Facility - Ease ( सरलता )
Fact - Anything actually true ( सच्चाई )
Factory - A building in which goods are manufactured ( कारखाना )
Faculty - Ability ( योग्यता )
Fade - To lose freshness ( धीरे-धीरे मुरझाना )
Fag - To work hard ( कठिन परिश्रम करना )
Fail - Hindrance ( रुकावट )
Failure - Lack of success ( असफलता )
Faint - Lacking strength ( दुर्बल )
Fainting - Loss of consciousness ( बेहोशी )
Fair - Clear ( स्पष्ट )
faith - Belief ( विश्वास )
Fall - Drop ( गिरना )
False - Untrue ( असत्य )
Fame - Reputation ( यश )
Familiar - Common ( सामान्य )
Famine - Starvation ( भुखमरी )
Famous - Celebrated ( प्रसिद्ध )
Fane - Temple ( मंदिर )
Farm - Land let for cultivation ( खेत )
Fast - Abstinence from food ( उपवास )
Fatal - Destruction ( विनाशकारी )
Fate - Destiny ( भाग्य )
Fatigue - Toil ( थकान )
Fatness - Quality or state of being fat( मोटापन)
Fault - Bunder (बड़ी भूल )
Favour - Partiality ( पक्षपात )
Fay - Faith ( विश्वास )
Fear - Dread ( भय )
Fearful - Dreadful ( भयंकर )
Fearsome - Causing fear ( डराने वाला )
Feasible - Suitable ( उचित )
Feast - Banquet ( दावत )
Feather - Plumage of birds ( पंंख )
Feeble - Weak ( दुर्बल )
Feed - To Nourish ( पोषण करना )
Feel - To perceive by the touch ( महसूस करना )
Fellow - Companion ( साथी )
Feral - Cruel ( निर्दयी )
Fertile - Fruitful ( उपजाऊ )
Festival - Day of feasting ( त्यौहार का दिन )
Festoon - A chain of coloured paper or flowers ( माला , झालर )
Fierce - Ferocious ( भयंकर )
Fight - A battle ( युद्ध )
Figure - A shape ( आकार )
Fill - To become full ( भर जाना )
Finance - Revenue ( आय )
Fine - Tine ( पतला )
Finite - Limited ( सीमित )
Fire - Burning fuel ( आग )
Fit - Suitable ( उपयुक्त )
Fix - To settle ( निश्चित करना )
Flexibility - The quality of being pliable ( लचीलापन )
Flick - Jerk ( झटका )
Flood - An overflow of water ( बाढ़ )
Floor - A storey ( मंजिल )
Flourish - To prosper ( भाग्यवान होना )
Fluid - A substance which flows ( तरल पदार्थ )
Flush - A flow of water ( पानी का बहाव )
Foe - An enemy ( शत्रु )
Folk - People ( लोग )
Follow - To chase ( पीछा करना )
Follower - Disciple ( शिष्य )
Fool - A silly person ( मुर्ख व्यक्ति )
Forbid - To prevent ( रोकना )
Force - Power ( बल )
Forecast - To predict (भविष्य बताना )
Forefather - An ancestor ( पूर्वज )
Forehead -The upper part of the face above the eyes ( माथा )
Foreign - Belonging to another nation ( विदेशी )
Forest - Uncultivated land ( जंगल )
Foretell - To predict ( भविष्य बताना )
Forever - Always ( हमेेशा )
Forget - To fail to remember ( भूल जाना )
Forgive - To pardon ( क्षमा करना )
Formality - An outward form ( औपचारिकता )
Former - Earlier ( पहले )
Forsake - To give up ( छोड़ देना )
Fort - A fortified place ( किला )
Fortunate - Lucky ( भाग्यवान )
Frank - Open ( खुला )
Frau - A wife ( पत्नी )
Free - Loose ( ढीला )
Frequent - Common (साधारण)
Frog - A small amphibious jumping animal ( मेंढक)
Front - The forepart ( आगे वाला भाग )
Frustrate - To disappoint ( निराश करना )
Fulfil - To carry into effort ( पूरा करना )
Funeral - The ceremony of burying the dead ( अंतिम संस्कार )
Furious - Raging ( क्रोधी )
Fuse - To melt by heat ( गलना )
Now, words starting with G and all alphabet